Sunday, September 16, 2012

선물 - A gift!

I got a package from home! It arrived while I was in Busan yesterday and was waiting for me when I got home. The goods: chocolate (Ghirardelli! 72% Dark!!!), allergy medicine, and some extra clothes (because I packed so light before coming to Korea that I didn't bring enough shirts or socks).
Stuff from home! In this photo, I'd like to point out boat pajama bottoms, the fake hipster glasses I bought in Taiwan three summers ago, 72% dark chocolate, and also my new (and first ever) smartphone!
Thanks, mom and dad! I feel cared for. Especially because they have probably never sent so much stuff overseas since... I don't know, probably since they moved to the U.S. over thirty years ago. When my mom used to send me packages in college, they were invariably stuffed to the brim with granola bars. This time, I got extra socks. They weren't fuzzy, but I feel warm and fuzzy inside. :)

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