Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Swarthmore Fulbrights

Ten (10!) Swatties from the class of 2012 have been awarded Fulbright grants this year. That's a lot! And we're going to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Colombia, France, Macau, Malaysia, Norway, Botswana, and... South Korea! About half of us are going to be ETAs, and the others will conduct research on everything from food production to cancer immunology to human empathy.

Yes, ten is a lot for one year; but from what I've heard, sixty Swarthmore graduates have been awarded Fulbrights in the past six years, which, in a way, makes the running average ten per year. (Not per class year, though, because alumni are allowed to apply for the Fulbright through the institution, too.)

Way to go, Swatties! (And many thanks to Melissa Mandos, our college's very helpful grants and prizes adviser, who made it all happen.) Best of luck to you all, all around the world. Y'all better keep some blogs or something; you know how I roll.

See all of our happy faces here.

T-minus seven (7?!) days!

P.S. "Swarthmore College" in Korean is a mouthful: 스와스모어 대학교. That is: seu-wa-seu-mo-eo ("Swassmohh"?!) dae-hak-kyo.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Swarthmore in Korean makes Swarthmore in Mandarin seem positively efficient!

